KG 9
Managing Your Optimal Daily Life By Empowering You With Knowledge
Olive Diagnostics’ Wellness System provides users with information about:
Today no Urine test is hands-free and continuous giving wellness recommendations in real time.
Introducing the world's first completely passive Urine wellness device that combines off-the-shelf components, spectroscopy and proprietary algorithms empowers users with knowledge of their own bodily functions and allows optimal health and wellness.
1. Hydration Status
2. Starvation Status
3. Electrolyte balance
4. Vitamin balance
5. Nutritional Coaching
6. Physiological creatinine - Body workout intensity - body exhaustion (for older people) over-exhaustion, Physical limits
7. Stress level/Mental health
8. Sleep coaching
9. Urination pattern, changes to:
a. Volume
b. Frequency
c. Pressure
d. Irregularity
10. Possible infection
11. Kidney efficiency pattern
12. Ketosis Analysis
Monitoring hydration alone significantly improves quality of life by:
Lowering body temperature
Improve Cognitive function
Boost physical performance
Improves digestion and absorption of minerals
Causes of dehydration:
Lack of fluids
Limited fruits and vegetables
Excessive sweating and low re-hydration
Exposure to excessive heat
Prolonged vomiting or diarrhea
excessive use of diuretic medicatio